Bring order to your inbox

Do you get stressed about logging into your account and all you see is a full inbox? Are you drowning among all your e-mails? Calm Just stay calm, this time I’ll tell you about a couple of new features that you can use to bring order to your inbox. While we upgraded Work2Go for a couple of months ago a number of new features were added. Among them are two very useful functions to use; the activity stream storage policy.

With the activity stream, you can get less important e-mails moved to a separate folder

The activity stream works just like an ordinary filter that controls and moves incoming e-mails to a separate folder. The purpose of the activity stream is to help you to clear away less important emails from your inbox, so you only have left the emails that you rather want to read and possibly answer first and foremost.

The activity stream is designed to move e-mail newsletters, commercial bulk mailing and other mailings that are sent to a distribution list that you are a member of, including all those messages you can get from social media, among other things talks about the new status updates. But it can also be used to divert all emails that come from other e-mail addresses than you have in your address book.

You can also receive these types of messages and have them marked as already read, flagged or get them redirected to a different e-mail address.

More visible tags in your inbox

Want your tagged e-mails to stand out and be seen a bit more? Then you can arrange this on the Preferences tab by putting a checkmark in the box at Mail: Displaying messages: Message Color:
Set colour of messages and conversations according to tag colour.

Get old e-mails deleted

Drowned by all messages in your inbox? Maybe there are messages that are sent out from a management system, or notices that the printer needs to get new ink cartridges or that someone liked your latest Facebook posts. Whatever it is about they can obviously be interesting and useful for the moment, but they rarely need to be stored for a very long time. For just this purpose there is a retention policy that you can set yourself to your account.

In Work2Go this function for message retention are set per folder. When you select this option, messages in the folder that are older than the specified time are automatically deleted. If you later on want to restore these deleted messages, just go to the Trash > Deleted Items.



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