
Work2Go is a lot more than just an email application. Actually it’s more of a collaboration tool, where sharing information plays a key role. Sharing the company’s Address Book, Calendar, Documents, Task lists and files in the Portfolio is essential, but what about Email folders, when is it a good idea to share you emails with someone?!

When sharing your email folder is a good idea

  • You have a public email address, such as info@, which is managed by several people at your company.
  • You can also have your incoming email sorted into different folders by creating filters.
  • When helping a colleague with incoming mails for a certain period, such as during maternity leave.
  • Instead of sending emails to dozens of addresses every time you have something new to inform about, you can share one of your folders containing your news.

Adjust the permission rights for your shared information

When you share your information with other Work2Go users, you can give them different permission rights. From read-only to edit its content, delete files, create additional folders, send out invitations and more. The permission level can be set per user or group.

Sharing files with the public

You can also share your folders with someone who doesn’t have a Work2Go account. Either you protect the folder with a password or you just hand out its URL.

Perhaps it’s time to take a closer look at the Tasks tab now, or what do you say?! A really easy function for all of us that likes to make plans and keep track of things.
Take care and Happy Easter!


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