
An email signature is a custom text that is automatically inserted at the bottom of all messages you send. Usually it contains your contact information and sometimes even a sign, image, or a suitable quote. A signature will give your message both a personal touch and a more professional impression. I would therefore like to take this opportunity to remind you that do not already have a signature create one, and if you already have one, I want to inform you that you can create more than one if you want.

Make a stylish signature

In Work2Go you can decide yourself if you want to have a formatted signature, or if you want a signature with ordinary plain text. If you choose to create a formatted signature, you can choose from different fonts, colors, add a photo or logo, and create links to your website or similar.
A signature in pure simple text might look a little bland. But the big advantage of using a plain signature is that the information is always visible. A signature image can, for example, have to be approved by the recipient first, before the entire signature appears.

Create multiple signatures

You can have multiple signatures in your account. There are actually no maximum limit to how many you can have. If you have multiple e-mail identities / roles, ie different e-mail addresses posted where all are linked to the same account, you can create a different signature for each email address / role. This can eg be useful when you answer work-related emails and private.

Login with Ajax version

I would also like to add that you will always have the best functionality and user friendly in Work2Go when logging in with the advanced Ajax version of your account.
Do you on the other hand sit with very slow Internet connection or an old web browser, Standard (HTML) is the version that works best for you. If it is so that you have an old web browser in your computer, I would definitely recommend you to update it as soon as possible. Not only for increased functionality but first and foremost to protect your computer from threats on line.


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