
I’m a quite forgetful person myself, or actually I’m probably not really that forgetful, only assume this, in fear of forgetting. I constantly feel a need for writing down checklists and memos for all sorts of things. Shopping lists, packing lists, lists of things I want to read more about when I have more time, what gifts to buy… basicly anything that comes to my mind – I will list it all!
And then I later on can start unchecking my lists, it makes me feel even more pleased with myself and my accomplishments.

You can easily be overwhelmed by all lists as well. Luckily, there is a tool in Work2Go called Tasks. There you can add all your lists, of all kinds. Keep them as private or share them with others. It also gives you an informative overview of each and every task’s status of progress. What is left to do and when it needs to be finished. Perfect for people like me!

Why you should list your Tasks

  • Easy way to keep track of your projects.
  • Helping you to not miss anything important.
  • Giving yourself a extra boost every time you change the status of the Task, getting closer to the set up goals.
  • Easy overview + clear progress = less stress.
  • Keeping track of who’s doing what while working on a project together with your colleagues.

Since Outlook 2010 works so well with Work2Go Pro, I thought I should actually write a bit about just Outlook 2010 next time.


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