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Sync e-mails

With Work2Go Pro you can sync your account with your phone / tablet and always have your information available, even when you’re on the run. And if disaster strikes and you lose your phone / tablet, you need not worry that your sensitive and important information to be leaked out. Log in to your Work2Go account in the nearest web browser and touch of a button, the information is deleted.
The technology that makes this possible was developed by Microsoft during the 90s and is generally called ActiveSync or Exchange ActiveSync. The technique, however, has a few flaws, but below I intend to tell you how to circumvent this and provide some hints on what may be good to consider when you want to sync their Work2Go account.

Send and receive emails

If you can not find all emails on your mobile that you see when you log into your account in the web interface, it may be due to the following.

  • You have a setting in your phone that regulates how old emails to sync.
  • You have not selected that you want to receive e-mails in sync from the folder just that the email is saved.
  • The email you are looking for is in a mailbox that has been distributed to you.

Save the phone’s batteries

If you sync your account to your phone and want to conserve your phone’s battery, you can choose manual syncing, or sync with a longer time interval. With manual sync you can sync information only when the tools are used.

Don’t sync all your emails / activities in your calendar if you do not have the need to access information such as 1 year old.

Sync contacts / calendar / reminder

When you set up an account for syncing to your mobile, you can of course also choose to sync your contacts, calendar and reminders from your task list in Work2Go. What is important to remember when setting up sync to a mobile is to check that it is your calendar / address book in Work2Go which is the default one in your phone’s settings. This mainly applies to the iPhone / iPad.


Log on to the tablet’s browser

Nowadays, it’s almost more common than rare that there is at least one tablet per household in Sweden. According to .SE’s annual report Swedes and the Internet 2012″, 20 percent of all Swedes have access to a tablet today. Thus it is about time to highlight how you can log in to your Work2Go account in a web browser on your tablet.

Log into your account in a browser


A surf flattened screen is large enough to log into your account in a browser. Then you get the same look as when you do it in a computer and also have access to all your email, files, calendars, contacts and more.

When you log in you must be mindful of changing the version of Work2Go that you log in with. Fills you only enter your login information and click Login know Work2Go that you are logging in from a mobile operating systems (ie Android, iOS, etc.) and select Mobile version for you automatically. The mobile version is mainly designed for mobile phones, where you do not have a big screen and gives you a much more limited appearance.

To get the same display mode as when sitting at a computer, you can choose to log in with default HTML version – not the Advanced (Ajax)! Advanced (Ajax) gives you the best functionality, but in the tablet it can get a bit too complex. Therefore works Standard version HTML much better then. I have summarized the three points that you can take with you from this reasoning.

  • TABLET – use HTML standard
  • MOBILE – use Mobile
  • COMPUTER – use Avancerad (Ajax)

Benefits to log in to your account in a browser

  • Shared inboxes, briefcases, address books, calendars, etc. are available.
  • The search feature to quickly find what you are looking for can be used.
  • Access to the account settings; Out of office message, filters, signatures, roles, etc.
  • If you have multiple accounts, you can log into them simultaneously, one in separate browser.
  • You can continue to categorize emails, contacts, tasks and files with tags.
  • The account limit is displayed clearly.
  • Sort your account by moving emails / files / contacts, etc. or create new folders.



rss_w2g_folder3RSS is a collection of XML-based file format which is used to synchronize
web content and is used among other news sites and blogs. For geeks and IT technologies this means anything, but for ordinary people like you and me can easily get the feeling that you do not really understand what they’re talking about. The other day I heard a real good explanation of what the RSS is and stands for, namely “I’m Ready for Some Stories”. For that is exactly what RSS feeds are about. Being able to quickly get the latest headlines from all your favorite websites / blogs gathered in one place, in your Inbox Work2Go. As such, you might have 20 pages and blogs you visit regularly. To visit every page and blog every day can take several hours. But using RSS you can subscribe to a web page or blog and get all the new headlines from all the 20 pages, and blogs in a single list, in your inbox. This way you can see immediately what happens in minutes, instead of spending hours surfing.

There is everything possible to put that RSS feeds into your account; news, blogs, podcasts, weather reports, sportbevakningar or trafikbevakningar. The only thing you need to find out for yourself is the URL (address) of the RSS feeds you want to subscribe to.

View scheduled events on the website using the RSS feed from your calendar

You can also benefit from using RSS to get the information from your account. Have you booked meetings, seminars or similar events that may be of interest to the public, you can with the help of a calendar’s URL for the RSS post it on your website. Then you get out all the entries in your calendar to your website visitors, automatically.


Ready for vacation

Now it all begins, the beautiful, long and hopefully sunny summer vacation is finally approaching. But are you ready for it? Do you know what you can do to avoid having to return back to a packed inbox? Do you find it hard to stop reading your emails while on holiday? Rest assured, you do not need to be in place in the office to check your emails. You can always access your Work2Go account from a browser. Would you rather read it on your phone or a tablet, it is possible as well. And you, you have not forgotten to activate your away message, have you?

Time to activate your out of office message

Before you go on vacation, I would highly recommend you to activate a recorded message so that callers know that you are absent for some time to come. Please enter the message and specify when you will not be accessible and to refer to someone else who can help the sender instead. Do not forget to set the correct date of the period for which this message should be sent out automatically.
By default, only one out of office message will be sent out to one and the same person who try to contact you several times during a seven day period. Contact us if you want it to be sent out more often.

Send all incoming e-mails to a colleague

With filters you can forward your incoming e-mail messages to one of your colleagues. You can also choose to keep a copy of it in your inbox, so you do not lose control completely. Choose the condition To or Cc must be met when creating the filter, so that no message will missed.

Share your inbox

If the colleague that you have asked help from also need access to your old messages, it is better that you share your entire inbox instead. When you share your inbox, you can choose different permission levels.

Clear your inbox

If your account quota exceeds, no new emails can be sent to your inbox. Nor is any away messages sent from your account, because the message sender tried to send you never reached you.

Manage your e-mails from the hammock

If you do not want to lose control altogether during your holiday, but continue to read and write e-mails, there is surely possibile to do so. Either log into your account in a browser or set up your account in your mobile or tablet. If you have Work2Go Pro you can in addition to your e-mail also sync your contacts, calendar and reminders to your phone / tablet.


New features in the calendar


There are a lot of improvements in the calendar now that Work2Go 7 has been launched. It has become easier to find a suitable time for scheduling meetings. Everything is available in one place and suggestions for free time is automatically displayed. It has also become easier to answer an invitation, thanks to a snippet of your calendar for the day when the meeting is scheduled is displayed in the message you receive. But best of all is probably still the addition of WebEx meetings.

See available time and place with the tool scheduler

The Scheduler helps you to find the next available time and place while you are setting up a meeting in the organization. If you have set the room size at registration, you can also look at it in the tool. Similarly, data on which floor and which building room there. The availability is displayed in the time block in 30 minutes in the overview window.

View your calendar when you read a meeting invitation

When a meeting invitation is sent to your inbox containing the message even a snippet of your calendar for the day when the meeting is planned for. You do not have to leave the invitation to open your calendar to see how the day looks like for you, but can easily determine if you have the time to participate in the meeting or if yu should propose a new time that suits you better.

Web meetings and conferencing via WebEx in Work2Go

Now you do not need to open WebEx to schedule a conference, it’s already done for you. The meeting will also be added to your Work2Go calendar when you send the invitation. You can also connect to an existing meeting directly from your calendar.

Color marker shows the availability calendar Posts

Color marker that all appointments are marked with the show if it’s an idea for you to contact a colleague double-booked with a question or not. The colors are linked to the choices made when the post was created, such as busy, not on site, free and private.

Send e-mail to participants of the meeting in the calendar

You have accepted a seminar to be held in your neighboring municipality. But since you do not have a car and no busses are running, you need help to get there. Right-click the topic for the seminar in your calendar and select Reply All. Now you can send an e-mail to all invited and ask if you can get a ride with one of the other participants.


Create aliases for e-mail

Each user has a primary email address created when the user account is added. It is, in most cases, the address you use to send and receive e-mail, which you use when you log into your account in Work2Go and it is the address you use when you set up your account in your phone or an email application on your computer. Some think that it is enough to just have one email address, while others ask for more, like e-mail aliases to their account. Then they can use more e-mail addresses, but do not have to log into different accounts to check their email. But did you know that you can actually create e-mail aliases yourself in Work2Go?

What is an e-mail alias anyway?

In addition to the primary e-mail address, you can also add more e-mail addresses, known as email aliases for your account. An email alias is an alternative email address that points to your existing account. For example, the user also like to receive e-mail addressed to When you create as an e-mail alias to your account You can create as many email alias as you’d like in Work2Go. There are no restrictions as at other companies.

Sort e-mail by using filters

If you do not want all e-mail that is sent to different email addresses will end up at one place in your inbox, you can create filters to sort them into different folders for you. Filters can also be created for messages that you send.

Send an e-mail from an e-mail alias

From your Work2Go account, you can also send e-mails that appear to come from an e-mail alias. To do so, create a role (persona) in your account. To the new role, you can also create a separate signature.

Dynamic e-mail aliases

Work2Go also gives you the ability to create dynamic aliases. You can write + text after the first part of the email address, for example The message will then be sent to the inbox of You then have a filter that contains the “+ vital” moves such messages into a special folder when they are received.


Sync shared calendar to your mobile

mobile_sync200A few weeks ago we received the question of how to sync shared calendars to their mobile phone by one of our customers. We started thinking about how we could help them, as we already knew that the technology behind syncing to mobile phones is not possible for shared calendars in the traditional sense. After some thinking, we came up with a solution, which really was not as advanced, but was more about thinking outside the box.

View and add new appointments in the shared calendars on your iPhone

Collect all your shared calendars on a separate Work2Go Pro account, such as the account admin@. Then share your calendars so that everyone have access to them whenever you each sign in to your own accounts in a browser. Then set up a new account for syncing the account admin@ in your iPhone. It does not matter if you already sync your own Work2Go account to your iPhone simultaneously. You can have multiple accounts syncing in your mobile.

Is it enough to only see the contents of a shared calendar on your iPhone?

Would you, for example, only need information about your colleagues’ absence in your iPhone and do not need to be able to add something yourself in the calendar from your mobile. Well, then it is enough to set up a subscription to the calendar via CalDAV in your mobile. Then you do not have the calendar in a special account in Work2Go. You need to get hold of the URL-link to the calendar’s .ics file. It can be found by right clicking the calendar in Work2Go. Then you add a CalDAV account on your iPhone using this URL.

View and add new appointments in shared calendars on your Android

When it comes to Android, it is unfortunately not as easy. With ActiveSync on Android, it is only possible to sync one calendar, its own private calendar that comes with your Work2Go account. You can not add more accounts in your phone that syncs to a single account in Work2Go. Nor is it possible to add a subscription via CalDAV in one Android.

But you can not walk around this issue in any way then ?! Yes, everything can often be solved in one way or another. To access a shared calendar in an Android, you can use a third party app, for example ICSSync. Through the app allows you to sync your own or others’ shared calendars. What you need is the path to the calendar .ics file and the user name and password to the person who owns the calendar. A shared calendar to be distributed with the manager’s permission or higher in order to get permission to edit it in your Android.

But because ICSSync is a third party app, we are unable to provide any support on it. This is just a tip of an app we’ve tested. It is possible that there are more applications to use instead. Feel free to contact us if you know of other apps that you’ve tested and that works fine with your Work2Go.


Reminders in your calendar

The other day I read an interesting article about how music affects one’s productivity during the workday. The idea itself was so interesting to me this time is actually going to tell you more about this and refer to this article. I’ve also added a link to the article if any of you want to read the original. In conclusion, I even go into how to use Work2Go to follow the examples given in the studies.

Many people listen to music while they are concentrating on their work. Some play songs with fast pace, while others prefer more quiet music. Unless you are one of those who listen to music already, you should add it to your daily to-do list; “Listening to music for a while.” Why then, one may ask. Well, there are studies on this subject, which shows that those who listen to music while they work actually improves their productivity.

Teresa Lesiuk who has a doctorate in the subject effect of listening to music during work found that music promotes a positive mood that enhances the content of what you are working with. The results showed that the quality of the work was lowest when no music is played and that individuals actually spent more time on a task when there was no music. On the other hand, those who listened to music completed their tasks faster and even came forward to better results.

An article in the journal Psychology Today examined a further aspect of the discussion, that music can be productive for some, while it can be a distraction for others, and presented a list of what to consider when selecting music to increase productivity.

  • Use instrumental music to avoid disturbing the linguistic data.
  • Silence is a kind of music, and can be as effective as music. If the music is perceived as a distraction, try listening to the sounds of nature.
  • Listen to music that you like, because it makes you happier and helps you feel better.
  • Try music with different tempos. Some tasks are performed better at a different pace than you usually listen to.
  • Take musical breaks. A change in the environment, although sonically, can make a big difference when you should concentrate.

Music in Work2Go?

No you can’t play any music through your Work2Go account. However, you can add private reminders in your calendar to take a musical break, at least one per day, which recurs daily, every working day, and thus increase your daily productivity.


New e-mail features

Last autumn Work2Go 7 was released and with it came a number of new features. I have already written a lot, but there is more to discover. This time I want to present three smart features for your e-mail.

Correct mistakes or restore deleted e-mails

Sometimes you can accidentally do something quickly. Without thinking of having one’s finger clicked and suddenly it has been deleted or moved an e-mail message without really registered it. Sure, one can always use search and locate it, but it’s much easier to just click Undo at the top of the page to get the message back again.

Have you ever experienced that you have emptied your recycle bin, and then realized that you would need one of those messages now? Then I have good news! Now it is possible to retrieve deleted messages, even if they are left in your trash.

Always display images from secure addresses

When you receive newsletters like this, it can be annoying to have to approve viewing external images, every time you receive it. Now you can make a setting of your account that always approves showing external images from specific senders.

Send a message at a later time

Do you want to write an e-mail today, but send it on Saturday, but to avoid having to log in to your account then? Now you can arrange it, by selecting it to be sent later.


Your online file archive


The briefcase is a useful part of Work2Go that lets you create custom folders to organize your projects and files uploaded from your computer. You can upload any type of file into your briefcase. Once the file is uploaded, you can access it from any computer, tablet and mobile with internet access. You can also save the attachments that you receive in emails. To save space on your account we recommend that you delete the file from email, after you have saved it to your briefcase. It creates a duplicate of the file when you save it.

Edit documents directly in the browser

You can also create Work2Go documents in your briefcase. They are simple to use and requires no additional software to open and edit them. Work2Go document opens in its own tab in the browser and that is where you edit them.

Check out a file for editing

You can share selected folders or your entire briefcase to your colleagues. When you share a folder with your colleagues, you should use out feature check out and check in when you want to edit a file. Then there is no risk that anyone will overwrite someone else’s file by mistake. When someone checks out a file, the file will be locked and there is clearly displayed with a lock on the file name. If you hover over the lock you can see who has checked out the file and when it was done. No one else can check out this file and edit it as long as it has not been checked back in and unlocked.

File versioning

If you see a triangle in front of a file, there is more than one version of it. Click the triangle and see the different versions and who has created or made changes to it. Thanks to this revision, the file can be restored to a specific version and unnecessary versions that just left lying around may be deleted.

I hope more of you have been inspired to start using this smart feature on your account now.


Keyboard shortcuts

Most programs have shortcuts to speed up the work for the user. Did you know that they are also available in Work2Go ?! Sure, it is probably not on everyone’s top priority list, to learn a list of keyboard shortcuts. But usually you do roughly the same things in your account, it may be worthwhile to learn precisely those shortcuts. You will find the complete list on the Preferences tab or if you hold down Ctrl + Q. You can also print the list. Many shortcuts are visible next to features in the menus in the toolbar or when you right click on something in your account.

I work a lot with tags on incoming e-mails that I do not have time to deal with immediately. Then I give them a suitable label to quickly understand what to do with it when I have time. To remove the label when I’m done with the message is quite complicated if you do it manually. First select the message, then right-click and then in the menu choose Mark the message with a tag > Remove tag.
Then it is much easier to only select the tagged message and then press the U key.


The 10 most useful keyboard shortcuts

Here is a list of the ones I find most useful and relatively simple to remember, especially if you think about what the activity is called.

N – New object
P – Print
T – Tag an object
U – Untag an object
R – Reply a message
A – Reply All
F – Forward a mesage
Ctrl + S – Save
Enter – Open an object
Delete – Delete an object

Hope this will be useful to you in your work with Work2Go. Please contact us if you have any questions, big or small.


Zimbra Desktop

Have you ever had to click on an email address on a website and in the next second get a popup message saying there is no email program on your computer that can be open? Or e-mail program installed on your computer opens, but because you did not want to pay good money for a license, you can not use it? Someone who agrees with me and has itself become a little bit annoyed by this? Now I’ll tell you what you can do to solve this frustration.

Install the e-mail program Zimbra Desktop

Zimbra Desktop is an application for your email that you can download for free. The beauty of this program is that those behind it, also develops Work2Go. In this way, you can access everything on your Work2Go account, all distributed inboxes, labels, signatures, roles / sender, filters, contacts, calendars, task list, and last but far from least, all your folders in the briefcase, both your private and shared.

Set your default e-mail program on your computer

If you want Zimbra Desktop to open when you click a linked email address on a website, you need to tell your computer. You do this not in your computer’s control panel, but in the program itself.

Access to your account in offline mode

E-mail messages that are already on your account are always available in Zimbra Desktop, even when you are not connected to the Internet. Working in Zimbra Desktop when it is not connected to the Internet are called to “work in offline mode.” When working offline, you can not get new emails, but you can read your already received messages, write new, clean up the folders and make other changes which will be synced back to your account when you connect to the Internet again next time .

Have I convinced you now? Please contact us if you have any questions about this.


Distribution list for e-mails

An e-mail group or distribution list which is actually the correct term, is a list of contacts and is useful when you want to send messages to an entire group of people. For example if you often send messages to the Marketing Department staff you can create a distribution list called Marketing Department and add the addresses of all the staff there. A message sent to this distribution list goes out to all the recipients on the list.

Send e-mail to everyone at the same time

Depending on your companys size a list of all employees may also be a good idea. A quick and easy way to reach out to all at the same time. Inform about important things such as a kick-off, presentation of a new employee or any IT-disruption.

Send email to a mail group where yourself is included

If your business has any employees’ email addresses collected in a list such as name and you want to do a mailing to your colleagues, but thinks it is unnecessary that the message also will come to your inbox, you can do a setting on your account that prevents this. The message will of course be sent to all the others that are saved in the list.

Create a distribution list

Distribution lists are created by logging in to the Admin Console on the Administration account. It is also possible to contact our support, they will help you. Please contact us if you have any questions or would like more advice or help when creating your lists.



Filters for outgoing e-mails

When replying to e-mails in a shared mailbox, the other (which also has access to the account) can see that you have answered but not what you have answered. The answer ends up in your own sent folder. If you want to collect incoming and outgoing e-mail messages from you, for the distributed inbox at one place, you can create a folder and a filter that takes care of that for you. Create a subfolder of the shared folder and give it a name eg Sent. Then create a filter for outgoing e-mails that moves sent e-mail messages to the new folder.

Filters for deleting sent mail

If you want your sent e-mail messages moved from your sent folder to your trash, enter the following settings when you create a filter for outgoing messages. PERFORM: Save to Folder > Browse: Trash

Wouldn’t you like to save the messages use the settings PERFORM: Delete.

Mark with a flag or tag

You can even get sent messages marked with a tag or flag. This simplifies your job of finding exactly what you’re looking for.



Bring order to your inbox

Do you get stressed about logging into your account and all you see is a full inbox? Are you drowning among all your e-mails? Calm Just stay calm, this time I’ll tell you about a couple of new features that you can use to bring order to your inbox. While we upgraded Work2Go for a couple of months ago a number of new features were added. Among them are two very useful functions to use; the activity stream storage policy.

With the activity stream, you can get less important e-mails moved to a separate folder

The activity stream works just like an ordinary filter that controls and moves incoming e-mails to a separate folder. The purpose of the activity stream is to help you to clear away less important emails from your inbox, so you only have left the emails that you rather want to read and possibly answer first and foremost.

The activity stream is designed to move e-mail newsletters, commercial bulk mailing and other mailings that are sent to a distribution list that you are a member of, including all those messages you can get from social media, among other things talks about the new status updates. But it can also be used to divert all emails that come from other e-mail addresses than you have in your address book.

You can also receive these types of messages and have them marked as already read, flagged or get them redirected to a different e-mail address.

More visible tags in your inbox

Want your tagged e-mails to stand out and be seen a bit more? Then you can arrange this on the Preferences tab by putting a checkmark in the box at Mail: Displaying messages: Message Color:
Set colour of messages and conversations according to tag colour.

Get old e-mails deleted

Drowned by all messages in your inbox? Maybe there are messages that are sent out from a management system, or notices that the printer needs to get new ink cartridges or that someone liked your latest Facebook posts. Whatever it is about they can obviously be interesting and useful for the moment, but they rarely need to be stored for a very long time. For just this purpose there is a retention policy that you can set yourself to your account.

In Work2Go this function for message retention are set per folder. When you select this option, messages in the folder that are older than the specified time are automatically deleted. If you later on want to restore these deleted messages, just go to the Trash > Deleted Items.

