Each browser stores information from your visited websites, such as images and other downloaded elements. It is stored in the browser’s cache and is useful when you return to the website, since the browser won’t need to download the elements again. However this can also cause the browser to function slower. Emptying the cache occasionally improves the speed and performance of the browser significantly.
A cookie is a small file which a website creates and puts on your computer. Cookies are normally just a helpful and safe file. When you visit a website that uses cookies, it sends out a question to your browser to see if the cookie is already saved. Next time you visit the site (if you chose to save cookies of course), your browser will send back the cookies that belongs to that site. Cookies inform the website who you are and in return it displays information that is appropriate for you. Cookies store information that identifies you. Information such as your name and email address. A website has only access to the information you provide. For example, a website can never know your email address unless you provide it. A website may never have access to other information on your computer than what you have specified yourself.
You can shareall youre-mail folders, including the inboxand its subfolders withinternal users.
A copy of the shared folder will be placed in your friend’s folder list and he/she won’t need to log into your mailbox to read its content. When you set up sharing of a folder you also set up access privileges by giving the other user a particular role.
Right-click the email folder you wish to share > Share Folder.
Share the folder with Internal users or groups.
Fill in the email address of whom you wish to share your folder. (Comma separated if there are more than one.)
Choose a suitable role and whether you want to send out a message informing about the sharing > click OK.
Roleswith different access-rights
None – Use to temporarily disable access to a shared folder without revoking the sharing. The folder will still remain with the one you shared it with, but they can no longer see its content. Viewer – Can read the content, but may not make any changes to it. Manager – Can read and edit the content, create new subfolders, and delete files. Admin – Can read, edit, add, delete, approve, reject and administer content.
Scenarios for sharing an email folder
Your sales department wants a central mailbox for all incoming product inquiries. Everyone should be able to view messages immediately when they are received and should also be able to respond from the same address.
A manager is often in the office but doesn’t have time to answer her emails. Instead she gives her assistant access to her Inbox, who can manage thecontent of the Inbox, respond to messages on her behalf, create folders to organize and also delete messages.
Instead of sending out emails to dozens of addresses each time you have an announcement, you can share one of your folders and keep it as a public folder containing your announcements. Either you protect its content with a password or hand out it’s URL for anyone you want to access it.
When you save files in the briefcase, the files will always be available, and you can share them with your colleagues.
Here we tell you more about the most useful features.
You can also openand work withyour filesdirectly inWork2Go. If you have createdtheminWork2Goyou can continueediting them in the included word editor or in an application onyour computer.
Open – double–click it. Edit – click edit in thetoolbar. Movea file from onefolder to another–by dragand drop. Taga file witha tag–by dragand drop.
Create a new folder
Click the gear icon next to Folders in the left column> New portfolio.
Give the folder a name, a color and choose where in the hierarchy it should be saved > OK.
Add a file to a folder
Select the folder where you want to save the file.
Click Upload File in the toolbar.
Click Browse to locate the file.
If you want to upload multiple files simultaneously Ctrl-click them.
Click OK to upload it.
Various ways to display the files
You can choosehow you want toview your filesinfolders. You do thisby clickingViewin the top rightcorner of the toolbar.
Saved imagesinformatjpg/jpeg, gif or bmpmay be previewed inWork2Gowhen you select it. This requires thatyou have enabled the view optionPreview windowto the right orat the bottom.
Savean attachment fromanemail message
Click Briefcase in the message top box and the Add Portfolio is opened.
Find the folder you want to save the attachment in or create a new folder by clicking Create.
Click OK when finished.
NOTE!The filesavedin the briefcaseis a copy ofthe oneinthe e-mail. Ifyou don’t deletethe filefrom the e-mail message,then you will have two copieson your account, which may be unnecessary.
You canshare yourfolders in your briefcase with other usersinWork2Go, but also with external guestsor the public.
When you share a folder a copy of it will be placed in the other user left column. There’s no need to log into your account to access the information. You can either choose to share the top folder or a specific subfolder. If you select the top folder all underlying folders in the hierarchy will be available as well.
1. Right-click the Folder in your Briefcase you want to share and select Share Folder.
2. In the dialog box “Share Properties” you choose who you want to share your Folder with:
Internal users or groups The user or group must have a valid email address in Work2Go. Assign them one of the following roles:
None: An option you use to temporarily disable access to a shared Folder without canceling the sharing. The Folder will still remain in the other person’s account, but they won’t be able to view its content.
Viewer: can read the content, but can’t make any changes to it.
Manager: has full permission to read and edit the content.
Admin: has full permissions to read, edit, add, delete, accept or decline invitations and administrate its content.
External guests They can only read the content of the Folder, but can’t make any changes to it. Enter the email address of your guest and set a password.
Public They can only read the content of the Folder and don’t need a password for it. Hand out the URL that appears in the box below. Right-click it and select Copy link to get hold of the full URL. Anyone who knows about the URL to this Folder will be able to see its content. No one can however make any changes to it.
3. In the Message area you choose which type of message to send. This message can be sent to both internal users and external guests.
4. Click OK when you’re done.
NOTE: Keep in mind that if you have chosen Public, you will need to notify about the URL.
You can bookmeetingsin various ways. Herewe tell you aboutthe various optionsandstep by step instructions ofhow to create one, including useful options to use.
Click Newbookedmeeting.
Holdthe Nkey.
Right-clickon a datein the mini–calendar.
Drag and drope-mailsto the minithe Calendar.
Create a copy ofan existing meetingby right-clickingthe meeting > Create a copy.
In this example, we go through the stepsyou are takingwhenyou click NewBookedmeeting inthe toolbaron theCalendar tab. A newappointmentopens, ready to be filled in.
From: choose who to send the meeting invitations from. Subject: write a short description of the meeting.
Now you can start using the tool scheduler to get help to see when the participants and registered places are available. The availability is displayed in time blocks of 30 minutes in the overview window to the right. You can of course fill in the information on your own; participants, location and the start and end time for the meeting as well. Is it an all-day meeting, check the box during the whole day.
Optional atendees: participant you might want to invite to the meeting, but whose participation is voluntary. Location: location for meeting. Equipment: book equipment needed for the meeting.
NOTE! Optional and equipmentis not displayedby default.To obtain thesechoices, click Show optionalordisplay equipment.
The toolwill help you tofinda convenient timetoschedule an appointment. When you addparticipantstothe meeting, you can inthe overview windowview their availabilityin30 minuteblocks.
Greenmeans thatall participants andat least one locationis available forthese days.
Red means that more than half of the participants can not attend the meeting on those days.
To select a suggested time, click on the row. Start and end time is updated in the reservation. The number to the right of the period is the number of places available for the moment. You can click on the numbers to see a list of suggested places available to choose from. The selected location is added to the Location field in the scheduler. To select a location, click on the number in line with the proposed time. Choose a place in the list that appears. The location is added to the Location field in the meetin invitation.
NOTE! Locations are shown only if they have been registered in your Administrator account.
To reserve a room you use the button Location to find a room for your meeting. If you don’t know which rooms are registered in order to be booked, just click on the Search button without entering any search criteria and you will get a list of all the registered rooms.
Book equipment is done by clicking the button Equipment. Don’t you see the button, click the text display equipment right of the Location field. If you don’t know what equipment you can book, click Find without entering any search criteria and you will get a list of all the equipments that are registered.
If the room or the equipment is already fully booked the selected time, it’s easy to see this in the list. You can see for how long the room / equipment is booked in the utility Scheduler.
When you click Send a confirmation message is sent to the person who organized the meeting and invitations to the invited persons. Since all bookings are accepted automatically if the resource is idle or is refused if it is already booked, you don’t need to log into any account to accept anything.
Show: choose the calendar status the participantswill havewhen theyare scheduledfor the meeting. Calendar: selectwhich calendar the meetingshould be savedto. Private: detailed information ofthe meetingis not displayed ifitis marked asprivate.In contrast, it displays information such asitsstart and end time, if it is arecurring eventand whohave bookedthe meeting.
Repeatselectwhen it’sa recurring meeting. Youcan alsogo toCustom andfill in additionalinformation aboutthe timeif desired. Reminderselectwhen the participantswillget areminder ofthe meeting. If youwant to be remindedof an appointmentto anothere-mail address, you can add itby clickingConfigure.
Attachment can be addedahead ifyouclick theclipat the toptoolbarand then click Browseabove whereyou fill ina message.
Inthe bottombox fill in the textyou want tosendalong with yourmeeting invitation.
Click send in the top left corner
The invitation isnow sentto the invited participants.Ifyou inviteyourselfto the meeting, you will not receive an invitationbut it will besaved in your calendarright away.
SaveClickto send theinvitationat a later date. This savesa local copy ofthe meeting, invitations will not be sentto the participants.
If you addan appointmentto ashared calendar, you may needto refresh your browserto seethe meetingin the calendar.
You can set a filter to receive e-mails that are less important, such as newsletters and updates from social media, to be delivered to a separate folder instead of your inbox.
The folderActivityStream is placed inyour personallist offolders inthe overview windowto the left, so that you can easilygo throughits contentswhen youhave spare time.
Clickthe gear iconnext to the titleFoldersand selectActivityStream.
Put a checkmarkin the boxbyMoving messagesto activate theactivitystreamand then choosewhich messagesyou want toget movedautomatically. Then click Save.
The following types ofmessagescan be moved
Messages sent toa distribution listthat youare a member of
Commercialmass mailing
Messageswhere youraddress is not inthe To orin theTo or Ccfields
Messagesfrom people whoare not in youraddress book
Youcan alsotune these settings further if clickingAdvanced Controls. Then you canget messagesmarkedwitha tag,already read, flagged orredirectedto adifferent e-mail address.
WebExzimletis an add-on toWork2Gothat allows you tolist yourupcomingWebExmeetingsas well as keepone orjoinone withjust one click.
You no longer need to open WebEx to schedule a meeting – this is already done for you. The meeting will also be added to your Work2Go calendar when you send out the invitations.
Drag and drop contacts and meetings to create new WebEx meeting.
Right-click WebEx in the Zimlets overview window, in the lower left corner of your browser, to manage your WebEx account and meetings.
Create a WebEx meeting when you create an appointment in your calendar.
Drag and drop contacts and email messages to create a new WebEx meeting, with the contacts.
Drag and drop a meeting to create a new WebEx meeting with the same participants.
Here aretips on how youcansave space onyour account.
Sometimes you can save too much unnecessarily and after a while it exceeds its quotas. The current use of the quota you will see in the top right corner and if you hover over your name you get a detailed description.
If you exceed your quota, following may occur
You will receive an email informing you of your quota.
You will be informed of your quota when logging in.
Email sent to you may be returned back to the sender with a message
informing your mailbox is full.
You can delete in different ways
Mark what you want to deleteandchoose Delete fromthe toolbar.
Mark what you want to deleteand press theDelete key.
Right-click onwhat youwant to deleteandchoose Delete fromthe menu.
Drag and dropitto the Recycle Binin the left column.
Do you want todeleteseveral at once, select themby holdingdown the Ctrl keyor Shift–click to select multipleconsecutive.
Here are some tips on how to reduce the size of your mailbox
Delete old messages no longer needed.
Delete large attachments. Save attachments locally if you want to keep them.
Delete files you no longer need in your Briefcase or Document.
NOTE! If you save an email with an attachment to your Briefcase, a copy of the attachment will be saved twice in Work2Go.
Sometimes you don’t need to keep all messages in the Sent folder. You can easily save up space by deleting unnecessary messages here.
Here we showyou howyou can create acalendar and decide thebest settings for your need.
A Calendar already exists when you start using Work2Go. It’s called Calendar and its name can’t be changed. But you can of course create as many new ones as you need. For example, you can create one for work and one for personal activities and a third for company activities. You can switch between multiple views, drag and drop to move events from one calendar to another and share it with others.
Create a Calendar
Create a new calendarby clickingthe gear iconat the right ofthe titleCalendarsinthe left pane > New Calendar.
Givethe calendara nameand select a colourin the dialog“Createnew calendar.”
Select “Exclude this calendar when reporting free / busy time” if you do not want others to see when you’re free or busy when they book meetings.
Click OK and your new calendar appears in the left column.
Colour Coding Calendar
If you have multiple Calendars, it’s wise to give them different colors to easily distinguish them. There are eight colors to choose from and you can use one color several times. You choosing the color of a Calendar either when you create it or if you right-click it and select Edit Properties. You can also choose a Calendar’s color when you accept a sharing of another person’s Calendar.
View your calendars in different ways
All of your Calendars (including shared ones) is visible in the Calendar list in the left column. Each Calendar has a check box to the left side of its name. Select the check box for each Calendar you want displayed.
At the top right corner of the toolbar, choose how you want to look at your calendars. To change the default view of the calendar, go to Preferenses > Calendar > General. If you choose to display as a list, you get a list of appointments for a period of two weeks for all the selected calendars.
The list view show all meetings from all selected Calendars and they are listed by date and time, and displays information about the meetings, such as its subject, location, status, and if it is recurring or not. You can change the columns displayed by right clicking on the heading and uncheck those you don’t want to see. You can also sort the list by subject, status, or date. You can select several meetings and make changes to them all at once in the list view. Such as remove meetings from the Calendar, move messages from one Calendar to another, or mark meetings with a tag.
With the Free / Busy view brings up a schedule where you can see when your colleagues are available.
Filter helps you to get control of your inbox and sort incoming and outgoing e-mails automatically for you.
Go to the Preferences tab > Filters.
Create a filter for incoming or outgoing e-mail by clicking on the appropriate tab.
Click New filter and the Add Filters window opens.
Give the filter a suitable name and tick the filter to be active.
Set the conditions to suit the purpose of the filter.
Don’t process additional filters should be checked. Click OK when finished.
One of – means that when one of these conditions is met, the action will be applied.
All – means that all conditions must be met for the action to be performed.
These steps can be repeated if the filter should include more conditions and actions.
Select the appropriate option from the drop down menu.
Creating a filter from an email
Right-click on a message or e-mail address and select New Filter / Add to Filter > New filter.
Example of howa filtercanbe created and used
For example if you want all messages from a particular e-mail address with a particular subject should be placed in a special folder, you can select the following settings.
If all the following conditions are met:
From – matches exactly enter the actual email address in the box.
Click + to add another condition.
Subject – contains enter the e-mails subject in the box.
Perform the following actions: Save in folder (to find the right folder click Browse …)
By default there are always two address books in Work2Go: E-mailed contacts and Contacts. Here we explain the difference and show you how to easily find the right contact.
E-mailed contacts: Every e-mail address you send a messag to is automatically saved in Emailed Contacts. You can disable this feature in Preferences > Address Book: Autocomplete.
Contacts: only contains of e-mail addresses that you have chosen to add yourself.
How to findthe rightcontactswhen sending e-mail
When creating a new message and filling in the recipient’s e-mail address it is enough to only type in the first letters of the address. Work2Go automatically displays a list of names from your Address Book that matches the letters you typed. From there you can go ahead and select the correct one from the list.
Global Address List
GAL is the Global Address List and is available to all users within your organization/domain. This list is created automatically and can not be edited. It includes all users’ email addresses within your domain.
You can move contacts from one address book to another. The easiest way is to drag and drop contacts, but you can also right click a contact and choose Move.
Open Address Book A and select the contacts you want to move to Address Book B by checking the box next to each name.
Right-click one of the highlighted names and select Move from the menue.
Now you will see a box there you select your destination Address Book > OK.
Get the best experiences of Work2Go by logging in with different versions as you use for a variety of devices and internet connections. Here we present the differences.
Advanced (Ajax): is more user friendly than the Standard one and this it the one we recommend you to use. With the Ajax-based version you get more help, additional configuration options, drag and drop, export messages as zip file, extended search functionality, etc.
Standard HTML: is recommended if your Internet connection is slow or if an older browser is used or simplified functionality is desired.
Mobile: When you log into Work2Go on your mobile’s browser choose mobile mode. It is designed for mobile phones and displays your Mail, Address Book, Calendar and Briefcase. You are also able to perform searches in this mode.
At the Preferences tab > General > “Login Options”, you select what version you wish to log in by default, Advanced (Ajax) or Standard (HTML).
When you want to show someone else your screen (eg if you received an error message that you need help to interpret) a screenshot is always helpful.
Windows 7/8
Open the Snipping tool.
(Start > All programs > Extras > Snipping tool).
Click thearrow next toNew and selectthe tool.
Then pull outan areaon your screenusingyour mouse to makethe screenshot.
Save the screenshotand attachit to ane-mail message.
Windows Vista/XP
There is a button on the computer keyboard called prt sc, print screen or something similar in the upper right corner. Usually after the F 12 key. By holding down the ALT key while pressing the Print Screen the screenshot will only contain of the current activated application window.
Press prt sc/print screen (maybe even hold down ALT at the same time) and the screenshot is now saved as a clipboard.
Open a new document in an image- or word processing software (such as Paint or Word) to paste your screenshot (Ctrl+V).
Save or edit the screenshot and then attach it to an e-mail.
Mac OS
Command + Shift + 3 – a screenshot of the entire screen.
Command + Shift + 4 – hold down the mouse button and drag out a box to take a screenshot.
You can share your Task Lists with other people in your office, with external guests and with the public.
When sharing a Task List a copy of the original is placed in the other user’s left column and therefor one will not need to log in to the other person’s account to view it’s content.
1. Right-click the Task List > Share Task List.
2. The dialog box Share Properties opens.
3. Choose who you want to share the list with:
Internal users or groups The user or group must have a valid email address in Work2Go. Assign them one of the following roles:
None An option you use to temporarily disable access to a shared Task List without canceling the sharing. The Task List will still remain in the other person’s account, but they won’t be able to view its content.
Viewer can read the content, but can’t make any changes to it.
Manager has full permission to read and edit the content.
Admin has full permissions to read, edit, add, delete, accept or decline invitations and administrate its content.
External guests
They can only read the content of the Task List, but can’t make any changes to it. Enter the email address of your guest and set a password.
They can only read the content of the Task List and don’t need a password for it. Hand out the URL that appears in the box below. Right-click it and select Copy link to get hold of the full URL. Anyone who knows about the URL to this Task List will be able to see its content. No one can however make any changes to it.
4. In the Message area you choose which type of message to send. This message can be sent to both internal users and external guests.
5. Click OK when you’re done.
Youcan add moree-mail accountstoyourWork2Goand thusgatherall your e-mailinboxesinone place.
1. Preferences > Accounts.
2. Click Addexternalaccountandfill in the informationunder Settingsfor externalaccount.
In this example, we added an account from gmail.com. If you want to add an account from another provider, you must have the correct settings to add an IMAP account from them first.
3. Fill in e-mail address and account name.
4. Select theaccount typeIMAP andfill inthe settings thatyou have receivedfrom your otheremail provider.
5. Click Test Settings to check that you entered the correct information.
6. Decide where you want the messages sent to this email address should be saved.
7. Enter your name and activate Reply to if you want to use this feature.
8. Click Manage signatures to add a signature.
9. Click Save in the top left corner when you are finished.
When sending e-mails from this account, select it in the dropdown menu at From when you type it.