Create a signature

A signature usually includes your name, contact details and other informative text. If you format it with HTML, you can also add pictures and link to a website.

You can create multiple signatures in your account. It can for instance be useful to create a more formal signature when you send e-mails to your customers and another for when you send to your friends.

When writing your message, select the signature to be used by clicking Options and Signature in the e-mail message toolbar. If you create multiple e-mail identities (roles), you can create a different signature to use for each different role.


  1. Go to Preferences > Signatures and click New signature.
  2. Give the signature a descriptive name (especially important when you create multiple signatures).
  3. Select Format as HTML.
    (Format as plain text means that you can just fill in the text, no sign, image, etc.).
  4. Then create the actual signature in the box below.
  5. To add a logo put the cursor where it should be and click Insert image (icon with a picture of a tree). Click Browse to pick the image file from your computer.
  6. Select the signature to be used automatically when you write new messages or / and respond / forward from a particular sender / role.
  7. Determine whether the signature should be placed above or below the included messages.
  8. Click Save at the top left corner when you finish.

Create a signature from an HTML file

  1. Go to Preferences > Signatures and click New signature > Format as HTML.
  2. Open your HTML file in a browser.
  3. Select the text and copy.
  4. Paste it in the box for signature in Work2Go.
  5. Make any corrections.
  6. Place the cursor where the image should be and click on Insert image (icon with a picture of a tree) Click Browse to pick the image file from your computer.
    NOTE! If the HTML code for the image came with when you copied from the HTML file, you will see a broken link when you click on the icon to insert the image. Erase box and add the image file again.
  7. Click Save in the upper left corner.
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